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Mai Mubarak al-ismail

Computer Science graduate



Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science
( 2011 – May, 2016 )
College of Computer Science and Information Technology (CCSIT),
University of Dammam, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

High School (Scientific section)
( 2009 - 2011 )
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia



(June, 2017 – Present)


Women Supervision Department, Charity Association for Holy Quran Memorization,
Dammam, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Social Media Administrator (May, 2018 – Present)

Main tasks:

Manage school's account on Twitter by posting new content and answering comments and questions.

Accountant (September, 2017 – Present)

Main tasks:

Prepare analytically report of income and expenses, payrolls and wages monthly.Prepare financial reports by collecting, analyzing, and summarizing information.Supervise the annual inventory of fixed assets, and monitor school resources and expenses.Contribute to the development of an electronic system to record the absence and delay.

Administrative Communications Officer (Writer) (June, 2017 – Present )

Main tasks:

Handle communications with Women Supervision Department via Emails.Manage and keep track of tasks, and ensure they meet deadlines.Manage employees' records and data.Manage students' records and data.

IT Trainee (Cooperative Practical Training)
(June – August, 2015)


AL-Dawaa Medical Services Company (DMSCO),
Dammam, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

The major accomplishments during the training period:

Developed a website using HTML, CSS, PHP, and JavaScript with database in MySQL.Built a website by using Joomla platform.Understand, installed and used many systems used in DMSCO like Point of Sale (PoS) that is a software used by the pharmacists at the pharmacies, Enterprise Finger Print system for taking the employees’ attendance, Service Desk Ticketing system and Net support manager.Installed and used Linux operating systems and its software, and applied the important commands of Ubuntu.Lessons and tutorials that cover networking topics, and implemented a simple network, and tested the connectivity by using the command prompt.Troubleshooting some network problems.




Native proficiency



Professional working proficiency




Computer Skills


Microsoft office

Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Access

Operating system

Windows, Mac and Linux


Adobe Photoshop


C++, C#, Java, HTML, PHP, JavaScript, CSS, and ASP.NET

Personal Skills


Work effectively both as team member and independently

Work effectively under pressures

Communication skills

Time management

Problem solving

Learning and researching skills



Introduction to Human Resources Functions
(March, 2019, 2019)

Cyber Security
(January, 2019)

Smart Work Ethics Course
(December, 2018)

Social Media Management Course
(May, 2018)

Work Ethics Course
(December, 2016)

Human and Computer Interaction Course
(August - October, 2016)

International Computer Driving License (ICDL) Certificate Syllabus: 5.0

English Course (Pre-intermediate level)
British Council, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
(June - July, 2012)

English Course (Elementary level)
British Council, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
(July, 2011)


(Graduation Project) Dilmun:A Web Interface to the MPJ Express Runtime
(Sep 2015 – May 2016)

The aim of this project is developing MPJ Express ( , which is open-source, and introducing a Graphical User Interface (GUI) based monitoring system. MPJ Express is a message passing Java library that allows writing and executing parallel applications on High Performance Computing (HPC) clusters. The MPJ Express runtime provides a unified way of starting and scheduling parallel Java processes on compute-nodes.
Dilmun aimed at introducing a web interface that allows MPJ Express users to monitor and visualize the performance of their application and the cluster. The implementation of the Graphical User Interface (GUI) relies on the REpresentational State Transfer (REST) technology.

Cross Word Game
( 2015 )

I was a team member of the "Cross Word Game" expert system, that focuses on designing knowledge-Based systems to process knowledge using logic programming tools. In this Project, we applied the Prolog programming Languages. We did this project for "Artificial Intelligence" course.

Genius Gadgets Website
( 2015 )

I was a team member of the "Genius Gadgets" website, that focuses on selling products and managing its stocks. In this Project, we applied the HTML, CSS, PHP and JavaScript programming Languages.

Rainbow Reading Website
( 2015 )

I was a team member of the "Rainbow Reading" website, that offers teachers and students a book review service. The goal of the website is to encourage students to read and help teachers keep track. In this Project, we applied the HTML, CSS, ASP.NET and C# programming Languages with Microsoft SQL Server database.

Honor & Award

Second runner-up award in the fourth annual Coding Marathon
( 2015 )
College of Computer Science and Information Technology (CCSIT),
University of Dammam, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia